Seattle SCRABBLE® Club
[North American SCRABBLE® Players Association Club #253, Seattle]

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One-Day Tournament: Saturday February 20th

New for 2016: Collins division offered and new director: Lynn Dreyer.

Announcing a fully-rated one-day tournament!

Printable Tournament Flyer [pdf]

Are you ready for Tournament Scrabble?

Date & Time:

Saturday February 20th, 2016
Check in BY 9:30am   phone the director if you will be late!
Play begins promptly at 10:00 AM  

Lynn Dreyer will be directing.


Seattle Chess Club
2150 N 107th St. (Northway Square East bldg, NW Kidney Center sign)
Seattle, WA 98133

Park in lot between N 107th St. and the building. Enter at the South side of the building and take elevator to basement.

By the Numbers:

How many games?  8
How many players?  32* (Maximum!)     See who's signed up already: TWL and CSW
How many divisions?  4 Divisions (groups of 8)
Including one COLLINS division (minimum 4 players, 5-pt challenge rule)
How much to play?   $30
When to sign up?   deadline 5pm, Thursday February 18th - the last day to register, pay or cancel! [pay on-line]

*The first 32 players to register and pay will be accepted; others will be wait-listed.

The entrant's published rating as of February 19th will determine division placement (unrated players will be placed at Director's discretion). Director retains the right to move entrants to maintain balanced divisions. Each division of 8 will play a complete Round Robin followed by a King of the Hill. Director may add Swiss and/or King-of-the-Hill rounds for divisions that do not have 8 players.

ALL participants MUST BE current members of NASPA, the North American SCRABBLE® Players Association to compete in this tournament.

Haven't joined NASPA yet?   You can find a printable membership form or pay online at:

We strongly advise new players to play at a local SCRABBLE® Club before entering a tournament. Remember to bring your own board, racks, tiles, clock & score sheets.

All participants are expected to know and follow the Official Tournament Rules.

FOTD: To reduce the number of talley slip errors (which delays the tournament and aggravates the staff), we will be using Fontes' "Friend of the Director" system: If there is an error or omission on a tally slip, each player will be charged $1 per error. All monies collected will be awarded in a drawing as prizes to players who made no errors.


Send payments (US$30, made payable to "Seattle Scrabble Club") to:

Seattle Scrabble Club
P.O. Box 9069
Seattle, WA 98109

OR, you can Register and Pay Online (see below)

We must receive your entry fee by 5pm, Thursday February 18th.

Director/Tournament Day Contact:

Lynn Dreyer
(253) 579-3004
e-mail Lynn

Online Registration:

Fill out this form to submit your registration. Once you submit your registration info you can then send in your payment by postal mail, OR you can choose to pay online with a credit card.

Yo Canadians: please be sure to send us a cheque made out in US Dollars.
If you want to avoid the cheque fees, please register and pay online with Paypal (see below).

Name: ***EXACTLY as listed with NASPA***
Street Address:
ZIP/Postal Code:
Mobile Phone: [day of tournament contact number]
  I will play with the North American Lexicon (OWL3)
Please put me in the Collins Division (4 player minimum, 5-pt challenge rule)

Notify me when you receive my entry fee (email address required)
This is my first tournament   Must Read: Are you ready for Tournament Scrabble?
I am a human: (type the NAME of the game we play)

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I am almost certain I'd risk legal action if I did not note that SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.

Questions?   e-mail Club Director

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Website design and implementation by Slivka Consulting